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Key Performance Indicators

Using the system of target indicators, that is a dashboard for company managers of all levels, you can timely identify difficulties at any stage of enterprise management, control implementation of targets, and analyze efficiency of key enterprise processes.

Structure of Targets

Generate your company targets and target indicators structure:

  • Determine a target indicator for each target
  • Assign a responsible person
  • Select sub-targets to achieve a superior target in a convenient and step-by-step manner.

Target Implementation Control

For each target indicator option, you can set a type of analysis, a data display option, a type of data view chart, and a value calculation method.

By using analysis options, you can quickly set up the variance analysis for indicators supporting planned values, analyze the indicator structure in dynamics, and set up the standard display option for the indicator.

Target Indicator Dashboard

All company target indicators are recorded in the target indicator dashboard displaying data as a report. Using the dashboard report, you can analyze a large number of target indicators displayed on one page.

For each target indicator, you can generate a detailed report (information about the set targets, actual values, responsible persons, analysis parameters, etc.).

Automatic Mailing of Target Indicator Dashboard

With automatic mailing, you can inform the senior executive about target indicator data timely and quickly. The data can be presented in familiar formats (Word, HTML, PDF, etc.).

Users, companies, partners, counterparties, and individuals registered in the system can be target indicator recipients. You can send out target indicators together with other management reports.