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1C: ERP provides a wide range of features to manage sales in your company: from sending commercial offers to shipment and delivery of goods to customers.

Customer Working Conditions

The application contains typical agreements using which you can register sales conditions to the specified customer segment (for example, wholesale customers, distributors, chain stores, etc.):

  • Prices and discounts;
  • Financial conditions (currency, schedule, payment method, payment procedure);
  • Logistic conditions (shipping warehouse, delivery period);
  • Other (company, taxation, customer segment, products and services segment, etc.).

To work on special terms, individual agreements are generated. They are based on the standard agreement to which the required conditions are added.

The solution controls whether sale rules are observed: if they are violated, you can effect sale only after it is approved by a manager or other responsible persons.

To record data of a specific legal document, you can maintain customer contracts.


Using the application, you can set different price kinds and determine currency, calculation rules, rounding methods for each of them.

You can assign price calculation algorithms:

  • Based on information base data (for example, "calculate average purchase price for the previous month")
  • As arbitrary formulas ("wholesale price for products")

Discount (Markup) Conditions

You can use the application to assign manual and automatic discounts and markups both for retail sale and wholesale.

Discount or markup can be offered:

  • To a specific customer if they register an individual agreement or customer group if it registers a standard agreement
  • To loyalty card holders
  • If sales are registered from a specific warehouse or store

Discount or markup can be both interest one and expressed in total amounts. Bonus discounts (gifts, quantity discounts) can also be provided.

Quantity discount is applied if the same product is provided as a bonus (gift). Gift is applied if you have to give another gift after a customer bought a certain amount of products.

The application provides different standard schemes of discount (markup) provision conditions: for a single sales volume, for a payment method, for sale time, etc.

In the application, you can limit allowed manual discount values. The limits can be determined for specific managers or while registering sales to specific customers.

Customer Commercial Offer

The Customer commercial offer document shows goods sale offers specifying all the required conditions.

Commercial offer is registered within the agreement (individual or standard one) which regulates prices, payment conditions, and deliveries.

While working with a commercial offer, you can use several customer interaction iterations. If a potential customer does not agree with the offered option, you can generate a new, adjusted commercial offer based on the old one.

Customer Order Management

To register a preliminary goods delivery agreement with a customer, use the Customer order document. With this document you can assign manual and automatic discounts and markups, control goods availability at the warehouse, reserve a product, plan shipment dates and payment schedule, and issue invoices to customers.

Manager can receive detailed information about order state any time: how to pay for the order or whether the order was shipped.

If a commercial offer precedes customer order, it is generated based on the commercial offer data.

The application controls whether the orders correspond to the customer agreement conditions. To approve deviations from the agreement conditions, you can use order approval business process. The application will automatically send order approval tasks to the authorized users and will approve it if they make a positive decision.

Goods Assignment Adjustment

Using the solution, you can change/adjust assignment of goods supplied and reserved for a specific order. For example, you can reserve a product under order both from unrestricted stock at the warehouse and from other orders (with removed reserve), fully remove the separate reserve from one or several orders or its surplus.

Customer Self-service

Loyal customers can have a limited access to the company database using login and password to:

  • Edit their contact information, data of counterparties and bank accounts
  • Register orders and control their execution
  • See print forms of source documents generated according to own orders (proforma invoices, sales documents, invoices, etc.)
  • Register goods returns
  • Record data on sale of goods received for commission
  • Register claims and control their state
  • Generate purchase plans
  • See debts on payment

Shipment Registration

To record sale operation of goods and corresponding services, you can use the Sale of goods and services document.

Goods shipment can be registered for one or several customer orders from several warehouses.

Sometimes actual goods shipment and consignment note registration at the warehouse are separated. In this case actual goods shipment from the warehouse is registered with an issue slip for goods generated based on the sale data of goods and services.

Goods can be assembled and shipped at the two-phase warehouse both before and after registering a consignment note.

Customer Return Registration

The application registers:

  • Customer return — the amount of returned goods can be specified during mutual settlements with a customer as a payment for other customer sales
  • Return from agent — can be registered any time: both before receiving sold goods report from an agent and after goods sale registration by an agent
  • Return from retail customer — registered if a customer returns a product sold in retail after the cash book is closed

Registration of actual receipt of goods returned to the warehouse depends on which warehouse the goods are returned. If the warehouse uses a two-phase document flow scheme, consignment note issue and actual goods receipt are separated. In this case actual returned goods receipt to the warehouse is registered using a goods receipt slip. If two-phase document flow scheme is not used at the warehouse, actual returned goods receipt is registered with a consignment note.

Goods Delivery to Customer

The application supports the following goods delivery methods:

Customer pickup — a customer picks up a product from our warehouse themselves.

To customer — goods are delivered by us to a customer's address and in required time.

By carrier — a carrier picks up a product from our warehouse and delivers it to a customer. We can also deliver a product to a carrier who will then deliver it to a customer.

While using the delivery feature in the application, you can:

  • Prepare goods transportation jobs (route sheets)
  • Specify transportation parameters (transport, driver, shipping agent, required delivery time)
  • Generate trip route data
  • Allocate transportation jobs to several trips — when it is necessary to provide an additional vehicle or organize an additional trip

Retail Sale

The applied solution is used to organize retail sale and:

  • Register retail sales outlets
  • Assign prices and automatic discounts in sales outlets
  • Edit and print labels and price tags according to the templates
  • Perform sales using offline cash register, cash register in the fiscal data recorder mode, as well as Offline. You can use several cash registers in different modes
  • Use label printing scales and Offline electronic scales,
  • Register retail customer returns,
  • Analyze sales results

You can use the applied solution to register retail sales data which was registered before the infobase was started. It helps you to use the information accumulated previously for management purposes.

Sale outlets may be equipped with different sales equipment, differ in level of automation and autonomy.

Sales in Automated Sales Outlets

To organize sales in automated sales outlets, you can connect different sales equipment: cash registers, barcode scanners, data collection terminals, etc.

To register retail sales in automated sales outlets, you can use specialized Cashier work place which is designed to:

  • Open and close cash book
  • Register receipts
  • Accept payment from a customer
  • Transfer retail revenue to the company cash fund

You can also register goods return during register shift.

Retail sales report can be generated after closing a register shift.

Sales in Non-automated Sales Outlets

When the period ends, sales outlet transfers funds received after selling goods to customer to sales company cash fund.

If detailed accounting of goods sales is kept, sales outlet reports on the number of sold goods. This information is registered using the Retail sales report document. 

If a sales outlet does not keep detailed accounting of the sold goods every day, it carries out inventory and receives data on the current goods balance. Deviations found during the inventory will signify sales volume for a period after the last inventory.