Bulk Mailing in Rise Accounting and Rise School Management

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Here you will learn how to use the bulk mailing functionality in the system. Our team identified the importance of emailing customers/suppliers/students in bulk to announce important information. Now you can do it straight from the system.

The emails go to the recipients you selected in the same way as normal emails.

Creating Emails

1. Go to Sales > Bulk mailings (Email, SMS).

This will open up the list of all your previous emails that were sent in bulk.

2. Click Create to start a new email.

Contents of Bulk Mailing

1. Parameters:

Parameters are used to insert specific attributes into your email.

For example, if we select Recipient, we are choosing how to address the recipient of our email. To address them by their Last name, choose that option and click OK.


You can use parameters for signatures, time and date as well.

2. Preview:


You can use it when you are done writing your email to see how it would appear on your recipients’ side.

3. Link:

Link mailing.png

You can use it to add a link to your email.

4. Common writing functionalities:

Common writing functions.png

You can use them as usual just like in word or any other document.

5. Status:

At the bottom of the screen, you can choose the Status of your email: Draft, Created, or Sent. Once all emails are received by the recipients, the system will automatically mark them as sent.

6. Signature:

To select the signature you would like to use, click the drop-down list symbol in the Signature field.

This will open up a list of all the available signatures in the system.

To create a new signature:

  1. Click Create to capture a new one.
  2. Fill in the Description and enter the Signature.
  3. Click Save and close to complete.

Writing Emails

There are two ways that you can write your email.

Manual Filling

Use this method to send once-off emails when you manually write in the content to be sent. You can use parameters, links, and other functionalities as usual.

Automatic Filling

This functionality is mainly used when you repeatedly email customers/suppliers about a specific topic. Instead of writing your email again and again, you can create and save it in the system and simply use it when it is time for the email.

1. Click the 3 dots in the Subject field in order to see available subjects or create new ones. This will open up a list of all your subjects.

2. Click Create to capture a new one.

3. Enter the Subject of your email and then the Body of your email.

4. Click Save and close.

Once you select this subject, the system will fill the content according to the subject.

You are free to use any parameters or links as per usual. You can also edit if necessary.


You can add attachments to your emails. To do it:

1. Go to the Attachments tab and click Add.

2. Select the file you want to attach from your computer.

3. Click Ok. The system will then upload it and add to your bulk mail.


Here you will select the recipients of your email.

There are two ways you can add recipients:


1. Click the Recipients tab.

2. Click Add to add recipients one by one.

3. Fill the Owner, Contact name and Email address columns.

Only contacts with email addresses will receive the email.


1. Click Select contacts to select recipients at once.

2. Select the list of counterparties you would like to see (customers/suppliers/students). In case of schools, you can filter students by Class.

3. Click any name only once and then press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to select all.

4. Click the arrow pointing to the right in the middle of the screen. This will move all names to the right-hand side of the screen and automatically select them all.

If you do not wish to email the whole list of customers/suppliers/students, click the Clear contact person marks icon under Selected addresses. This will allow you to select only the names you want to email.


5. Click Finish.

The contacts that you have selected will appear under the Recipients tab with the respective emails.

Additional Information

This section will not appear in the email you are sending to the recipients. It is just a place for you to write internal notes if you wish to.

Click Additional Information tab and enter a note if you wish to.

Emailing Recipients

After you have written the email, attached documents if necessary, and selected your recipients, click Start sending to send the emails. Each email will be sent after every 3 minutes. After you have started emailing, you will not be able to edit it.

The system will block any actions. It will also show that the emails are being sent.

When you click Report, it will show you how many emails were sent, how many recipients were included and how many emails were read.

If you click the Recipients tab, you will see who received the email.

The recipient will receive the email as follows:

When all emails have been sent, the report and status will be as follows: