List and Settings in Rise Accounting and Rise School Management
Classes in Rise Accounting are another way to categorise and group transactions, which may later be used in reporting. They may be applied to Quotes, Sales orders, Tax invoices, Credit notes, Projects, Time tracking entries, Purchase orders, Supplier invoices, Shipments, Manufacturing builds, and Supplier returns. They may be applied on a document level or may be used on a line by line basis. To apply a class, choose it from the drop-down menu. Some examples of ways classes can be used to group transactions:
- Department in a company
- Sales teams
- Separate companies in one account all under one Tax VAT number
Activating Classes
To activate classes:
- Go to Quick menu > Settings.
- Click General settings.
- Select the Accounting by classes check box.
Creating Classes
To create classes:
- Go to Lists & Settings.
- In the Create section, click Class.
- Enter a class name (Description).
- If the new class is to be a subclass, enter the Parent class.
- Click Save and close.
Changing Parent-Child Relationship of Classes
To change the parent-child relationship of a class:
- Go to Lists & Settings.
- Select Classes.
- Select the class and drag it to the item that is to be the parent. Alternatively, double-click the class, open the Parent drop-down list, and select the new parent. To make the class a top-level class, remove the value of the Parent field.
This list is used to manage users of the application.
To see the list of users, navigate to Lists & Settings > Users.
Creating Users
To create a user:
- Go to Lists & Settings.
- In the Create section, click User.
- Enter a Full name.
- Enter a Name (for logon).
- If the user will be an administrator, check the Administrator check box. This role has full rights plus the ability to manage other users.
- For each module of the software, clicl the access you wish to grant to the user: Full Access, View Only or No Rights.
- Click Save and close.
Active users
The Active users form displays the list of users currently working with the application.
The list includes users working with the infobase via thin client, web client, or Designer mode, as well as such technical users as COM connection, WS connection, background job, and so on.
To open the Active users list, go to Lists and settings > Active users.
The list includes:
- User. Full name of the user. External users are displayed as well.
- Application. Specifies Application type (for example, thin client). Connection mode is specified as well. Sessions created in other connection modes (COM connection, web services, and other) are also displayed.
- Session start time. Session start date and time.
- Session. Session ID.
Total number of active users is displayed at the bottom line of the list.
The line corresponding to the current session used to open the active users list is marked in bold.
For your convenience, you can sort the list by any column.
The active users list is not updated in real time. To view the active users that were added to the list after it was opened, click Refresh or press F5.
Use the Show field to select a filter from predefined list. All sessions is selected by default.
Viewing user data
To view data on a user, double-click the user.
Viewing event log
To review work history for a selected user, click Event log to go to the event log filtered by the selected user.
Terminating sessions (client/server mode)
In client/server mode, the Terminate session command is available. Use this command to terminate the selected user sessions. Prior to using this command, set the application administration parameters via the All actions menu. Otherwise, the command may not run correctly.
Units of Measure Sets (UoM)
Advanced Units of Measure functionality allows you to maintain control over inventory while carrying out your daily business in a way that reflects your buying and selling practices. You can buy an inventory item in a case, and sell the inventory item individually while keeping the inventory quantities accurate. The system handles the conversion and keeps the inventory updated for you.
A Units of measure set groups units of measure together and defines the conversion between these units. The Units of measure set is then applied to one or more inventory items. Once applied, you can specify the default purchasing unit and selling unit, which will be pre-filled in purchase orders and tax invoices.
Creating Unit of Measures Sets
To create a unit of measures set:
- Go to Lists and Settings.
- Select UoM sets.
- Click Create.
- Enter a Set name for the unit of measure set.
- Enter the base unit Name and its Abbreviation.
- Click Save.
- Click Create to add a Related unit and its Factor as it relates to the base.
- Choose a Default Purchase unit. It will pre-filled by default in purchase orders.
- Choose a Default Sale unit. It will pre-filled by default in sales documents.
- Click Save and close.
Units of Measure Tips and Tricks
The factor may be a decimal. Use a set on multiple items (be sure to name it generically so it is easily understood what the set contains).
Use the smallest unit of measure as the base, in most cases.
Be careful not to change the related units on the set or factors to ensure accurate inventory.
In documents that give quantity, the unit is always the base unit.
In inventory adjustments, the quantity is in the base unit of measure.
Item Categories
Item categories allow you to group products and services for the purpose of organization, pricing, and reporting. It may be used in conjunction with the price matrix to create a complex pricing structure or to simplify the entry of pricing data in the system. After item categories are defined, they are available to be associated with items and applied to the price matrix for pricing purposes.
Creating Item Categories
To create an item category:
- Go to Lists & Settings > Inventory categories.
- Click Create.
- Enter a Description for the category.
- Click Save and close.
Price Levels
Price level is a way to group customers for the purpose of pricing and reporting. With price levels, products can be automatically priced based on the customer entered on the sales document. With this feature, you can price products differently for your loyal customers, generate customer reports grouped by levels or use them to limit the view in a list of invoices. Each customer can be assigned one price level, but it is not required.
To create a price level:
- Go to Lists & Settings > Price levels.
- Click Create.
- Enter a Description for the price level.
- Click Save and close.
Payment Terms
Payment Terms appear in sales invoices and are completely customizable. To help you get started, we have added the following terms:
- Due on Receipt.
- Consignment.
- Net 30.
- Net 15.
Creating Payment Terms
To create payment terms:
- Navigate to Lists & Settings > Payment terms.
- Click Create.
- Enter a Description which will appear in the printed, emailed, and on-screen Payment terms field.
- Enter a number in the Days field.
- Click Save and close .
The number entered in the Days field is used to calculate the Due date in the sales Invoice and represents the number of days from the invoice date. Entering a zero in this field would result in the due date being equal to the invoice date.
The list of countries comes pre-loaded for you. You can add, change, or delete countires if necessary.
To create a country:
- Go to Lists & Settings.
- Select Countries.
- Click Create.
- Enter an alphabetic Code and the name of the Country you want to add.
- Enter a VAT mask and a Registration Number mask (optional).
The list of provinces comes pre-loaded for you. You can add, change, or delete provinces if necessary.
To create a province:
- Go to Lists & Settings.
- Select Provinces.
- Click Create.
- Enter an alphabetic Code and the name of the Province you want to add.
- Select the Country where the province is located.
Payment Method
Payment method is a way in which the payment is made, for example, an electronic payment, cash, check, an other.
Adding Payment Methods
To create a payment method:
- Go to Lists & Settings > Payments methods.
- Click Create.
- Enter the payment method Description.
- If you wish to exclude this payment method from 1099 calculations, select the Exclude from 1099 check box.
- Click Post and close.
Setting up Document Numbering
Numbering allows virtually any customized invoice numbering scheme.
For example, valid numbering schemes can be:
- All numeric (5, 5000, 500) characters.
- All alpha (SF-WIY-CT) characters.
- A combination of alphanumeric (SF-001-IA)
In addition, the characters can be in any order. If a number is used anywhere in the scheme, it will be incremented each time you create a new document. For example, SF-001-IA will become SF-002-IA, SF-003-IA, etc. and 5000 will become 5001, 5002 and so on. Schemes that consist of only letters will not change upon creating new documents.
To change the numbering scheme:
- Navigate to List and Settings > Numbering.
- Double-click on the line of the document for which the numbering scheme will apply.
- In the dialog that appears, enter the your scheme of letters and numbers in the Number field.
- Click Save and close.
Note: If you were previously using numbers and wish to continue from the last used number, enter the last document number from your old system. The system will automatically create new documents with the next number for you. For example, entering SF-756 will result in the next number being SF-757.
Shipping Carriers
The Shipping Carrier field is located in several sales documents, including shipments. It is a user-configurable list and carriers can easily be added on the fly.
Adding Shipping Carriers
Shipping carriers will be applicable only after you activate the Use shipping check box in Quick meny > Settings > Inventory settings.
To create a shipping carrier:
- Go to Lists & Settings > Shipping carriers.
- Click Add (or click the green + sign in the drop-down list of the shipping carrier field).
- Type the name of the shipping carrier in the Description field.
- Click Save and close.
Sales people
You can track sales by individual sales people. The Sales by Sales person reports will list sales by given sales people for a given time frame.
Tracking Sales People in Orders
The Sales person field is located in Quotes, Sales orders, Sales invoices and Cash sales. To use the feature, simply choose the appropriate sales person from the drop-down list. If the sales person is not in the list, create a new entry on the fly by clicking the green plus button.
Creating Sales people
To create a sales person:
- Go to List and Settings > Sales people.
- Click Create.
- Enter the Full name of the sales person.
- Click Save and close.