Step 8. Creating and Importing Counterparties

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Any third party of our company can be registered in two different ways: as a partner or as a counterparty.

The Partners catalog contains management information about counterparties (for example, the organizational structure).

The Counterparties catalog contains regulated information (TIN, bank accounts, and other).

The partner does not always correspond to a legal entity. For example, a created Partner may carry information about a holding company or a retail chain. In this case, separate companies within this holding company will be recorded in the system as counterparties (1 counterparty = 1 legal entity). See the figure below, where:

  • Scheme 1 represents a retail chain of several retail outlets owned by one legal entity.
  • Scheme 2 represents a holding company which consists of several legal entities.
  • Scheme 3 represents a separate enterprise that operates on behalf of one legal entity.


Enabling Counterparties

To enable managerial accounting for Partners:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > CRM and Marketing > CRM
  2. Select the Keep separate register of partners and counterparties checkbox.

In this case, the Partners catalog will combine both entities: a partner and a counterparty. If the checkbox is cleared, the Counterparties catalog will be available.

Creating Counterparties

Creating Customers

You can create a new partner and a counterparty simultaneously or just one of them:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Partners/Counterparties.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select whether it is a Company or Individual.
  4. To create both a partner and a counterparty (if enabled in the system), select the Specify partner’s identification data checkbox. Otherwise, only a Partner is created.
  5. Fill in all the required details and click Next.
  6. Under Relationship type, select the Customer checkbox.
  7. If the customer is serviced by a sales representative, select the Served by a sales representatives checkbox.
  8. Click Next till the end and then click Create.
  9. In a newly created partner card, add all the missing info (bank accounts, contracts, and other).
  10. Click Save and close.

Creating Vendors

You can create a new partner and a counterparty simultaneously or just one of them:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Partners/Counterparties.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select whether it is a Company or Individual.
  4. To create both a partner and a counterparty (if enabled in the system), select the Specify partner’s identification data checkbox. Otherwise, only a Partner is created.
  5. Fill in all the required details and click Next.
  6. Under Relationship type, select the Vendor checkbox.
  7. If the vendor is a carrier, select the Carrier checkbox.
  8. Click Next till the end and then click Create.
  9. In a newly created partner card, add all the missing info (bank accounts, contracts, and other).
  10. Click Save and close.

Creating Other Business Relations

Other business relations are other legal persons or individuals that your company contacts with during business transactions, except for vendors and customers. For example, tax authorities or customs.

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Partners/Counterparties.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select whether it is a Company or Individual.
  4. To create both a partner and a counterparty (if enabled in the system), select the Specify partner’s identification data checkbox. Otherwise, only a Partner is created.
  5. Fill in all the required details and click Next.
  6. Under Relationship type, select the Other business relations checkbox.
  7. Click Next till the end and then click Create.
  8. In a newly created partner card, add all the missing info (bank accounts, contracts, and other).
  9. Click Save and close.

Importing Counterparties (Partners are not Enabled)

Use this option if the Keep separate register of partners and counterparties checkbox is not selected in Master data and settings > CRM and Marketing > CRM.

Accessing Import Tool

To import customers into the system, use a built-in import tool:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Initial filling.
  2. Click Import data from file.
  3. Select Counterparties in the list and click Next.

In the Import data to catalog "Counterparties" window, you can export the predefined template, edit it if necessary, and import your file into the system.

Preparing Template for Import

You can save the predefined template for the future import or edit it first.

To edit the template:

  1. Click Edit template.
  2. In the list, you will see attributes to import to the system. Clear checkboxes for the columns you don't want to import. These columns will be removed from the template. Note: attributes in bold are required and cannot be disabled. For each attribute, you can see the description telling you what to specify in the column.
  3. To change the column names to custom ones, enter a new name in the Column title column. New names will be used instead of the predefined ones in the template.
  4. Once you are ready, click OK.
  5. To save the template as a file, click Save template, select the required file type and click Select. You can use this template to prepare the list of counterparties for import.
  6. Prepare the list of counterparties for import according to the template. Each row of the file is one counterparty. Each column is an attribute in the system. Make sure you fill the required columns:
    • Working title. Helps user to quickly identify a counterparty in the application. String (up to 100 characters).
    • Abbreviated legal name. This name will be used in print forms. String, length limit: 250.
    • Legal entity/Person. Counterparty may be a legal entity or a person.
    • Country of residence. Counterparty's country of residence. Make sure you have the country in the Countries catalog before import.
  7. If counterparty is a customer, specify Yes in the Customer column. Otherwise, specify No.
  8. If your counterparty is a vendor, specify Yes in the Vendor column. Otherwise, specify No.
  9. If your counterparty is other legal persons or individuals that your company contacts with during business transactions (for example, a bank), specify Yes in the Other business relations column. Otherwise, specify No.
  10. Save the file and close it.

Importing Counterparties from Template

  1. In the Import data to catalog "Counterparties" window, click Import spreadsheet and Select from disk, select your file, and click OK.
  2. The system will search for matches. If these counterparties exist in the system, you can update their details or skip them:
    • To update existing counterparties, select Update next to Mapped items below.
    • To skip existing counterparties, select Skip next to Mapped items below.
  3. To add new counterparties to the system, select Add next to Unmapped items below.
  4. Click Import data to finish import.
  5. If import is successful, you will see the Created status for the imported counterparties. Click Finish.

Note: You can edit items imported to the Counterparties catalog. For that, select the item and click Edit attributes. To access the catalog, go to Master data and settings > Counterparties.

Import in progress.png


Importing Counterparties (Partners are Enabled)

Use this option if the Keep separate register of partners and counterparties checkbox is selected in Master data and settings > CRM and Marketing > CRM.

Accessing Import Tool

To import customers into the system, use a built-in import tool:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Initial filling.
  2. Click Import data from file.
  3. Select Counterparties in the list and click Next.

In the Import data to catalog "Counterparties" window, you can export the predefined template, edit it if necessary, and import your file into the system.

Preparing Template for Import

You can save the predefined template for the future import or edit it first.

To edit the template:

  1. Click Edit template.
  2. In the list, you will see attributes to import to the system. Clear checkboxes for the columns you don't want to import. These columns will be removed from the template. Note: attributes in bold are required and cannot be disabled. For each attribute, you can see the description telling you what to specify in the column.
  3. To change the column names to custom ones, enter a new name in the Column title column. New names will be used instead of the predefined ones in the template.
  4. Once you are ready, click OK.
  5. To save the template as a file, click Save template, select the required file type and click Select. You can use this template to prepare the list of counterparties for import.
  6. Prepare the list of counterparties for import according to the template. Each row of the file is one counterparty. Each column is an attribute in the system. Make sure you fill the required columns:
    • Working title. Helps user to quickly identify a counterparty in the application. String (up to 100 characters).
    • Partner. Partner whose legal entity is a counterparty.
    • Legal entity/Person. Counterparty may be a legal entity or a person.
  7. If counterparty is a customer, specify Yes in the Customer column. Otherwise, specify No.
  8. If your counterparty is a vendor, specify Yes in the Vendor column. Otherwise, specify No.
  9. If your counterparty is other legal persons or individuals that your company contacts with during business transactions (for example, a bank), specify Yes in the Other business relations column. Otherwise, specify No.
  10. Save the file and close it.

Importing Counterparties from Template

  1. In the Import data to catalog "Counterparties" window, click Import spreadsheet and Select from disk, select your file, and click OK.
  2. The system will search for matches. If these counterparties exist in the system, you can update their details or skip them:
    • To update existing counterparties, select Update next to Mapped items below.
    • To skip existing counterparties, select Skip next to Mapped items below.
  3. To add new counterparties to the system, select Add next to Unmapped items below.
  4. Click Import data to finish import.
  5. If import is successful, you will see the Created status for the imported counterparties. Click Finish.

Note: You can edit items imported to the Partners catalog. For that, select the partner the counterparty belongs to, then open the counterparty itself, and click Edit attributes. To access the catalog, go to Master data and settings > Partners.

Importing Partners (Partners are Enabled)

Use this option if the Keep separate register of partners and counterparties checkbox is selected in Master data and settings > CRM and Marketing > CRM.

Accessing Import Tool

To import customers into the system, use a built-in import tool:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Initial filling.
  2. Click Import data from file.
  3. Select Partners in the list and click Next.

In the Import data to catalog "Partners" window, you can export the predefined template, edit it if necessary, and import your file into the system.

Preparing Template for Import

You can save the predefined template for the future import or edit it first.

To edit the template:

  1. Click Edit template.
  2. In the list, you will see attributes to import to the system. Clear checkboxes for the columns you don't want to import. These columns will be removed from the template. Note: attributes in bold are required and cannot be disabled. For each attribute, you can see the description telling you what to specify in the column.
  3. To change the column names to custom ones, enter a new name in the Column title column. New names will be used instead of the predefined ones in the template.
  4. Once you are ready, click OK.
  5. To save the template as a file, click Save template, select the required file type and click Select. You can use this template to prepare the list of counterparties for import.
  6. Prepare the list of counterparties for import according to the template. Each row of the file is one counterparty. Each column is an attribute in the system. Make sure you fill the required columns:
    • Working title. Helps user to quickly identify a counterparty in the application. String (up to 100 characters).
    • Abbreviated legal name. This name will be used in print forms. String, length limit: 250.
    • Legal entity/Person. Counterparty may be a legal entity or a person.
    • Country of residence. Counterparty's country of residence. Make sure you have the country in the Countries catalog before import.
  7. If counterparty is a customer, specify Yes in the Customer column. Otherwise, specify No.
  8. If your counterparty is a vendor, specify Yes in the Vendor column. Otherwise, specify No.
  9. If your counterparty is other legal persons or individuals that your company contacts with during business transactions (for example, a bank), specify Yes in the Other business relations column. Otherwise, specify No.
  10. Save the file and close it.

Importing Counterparties from Template

  1. In the Import data to catalog "Partners" window, click Import spreadsheet and Select from disk, select your file, and click OK.
  2. The system will search for matches. If these counterparties exist in the system, you can update their details or skip them:
    • To update existing counterparties, select Update next to Mapped items below.
    • To skip existing counterparties, select Skip next to Mapped items below.
  3. To add new counterparties to the system, select Add next to Unmapped items below.
  4. Click Import data to finish import.
  5. If import is successful, you will see the Created status for the imported counterparties. Click Finish.

Note: You can edit items imported to the Partners catalog. For that, select the item and click Edit attributes. To access the catalog, go to Master data and settings > Partners.