Step 9. Creating and Importing Items

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Setting up Items

You can register goods and services your company sells, produces, or purchases. Before you do that, make sure the important item settings are enabled:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Master data and sections > Items.
  2. Click Accounting dimension.
  3. To create more than 2 item kinds including the Work type, select the Multiple product kinds checkbox.
  4. To combine items to easily pick them in bills of materials and sales documents, set common price for the set and display sets and their components in print forms, select the Product sets checkbox.
  5. To create similar products with different characteristics (for example, color, size, material, and so on), select the Item variants checkbox.
  6. To create additional units of measure for items which are a multiple of the main storage unit, select the Item packaging units checkbox.
  7. To keep accounting of goods copy numbers, production batch numbers, shelf life, and other, select the Goods batches checkbox.
  8. To display goods batches in print forms, select the Display batch in print forms checkbox.
  9. To keep records of low-quality goods in the system, select the Quality of goods checkbox.
  10. To group products into separate segments, select the Inventory segments checkbox. You can restrict scopes of terms of sales and discounts (markups) by segments. You can use segments to select products.

Item Types

All items in the system have a particular type:

  • Goods. Tangible (material) assets, except for enterprise capital assets, which move between suppliers, warehouses, and customers, and can be recorded in purchase, transfer, production, and sales documents. These items take part in stock control, cost accounting, and other.
  • Service. Intangible assets purchased/consumed by the enterprise or sold/rendered to customers. Services can’t be used as objects of cost accounting. You must specify expense items in the service invoice and then the invoice’s values can be used as input for cost accounting.
  • Work. Intangible assets that can be moved between suppliers, departments and customers and can be recorded in purchase, production, and sales documents. Work can be used as objects of cost accounting and supports quantitative as well as financial value accounting. To enable the Work type, select the Multiple product kinds checkbox in Master data and settings > Master data and sections > Items > Accounting dimension.
  • Sets. Sets are not stored in the warehouse but assembled dynamically. Use sets to combine goods to easily pick them in bills of materials and sales documents.
  • Package. Package is recorded separately in the warehouse and can be returned to vendor or from customer.

Specify this type in the Item kinds catalog.

Creating Item Kinds

Before you create an item kind, make sure the Multiple product kinds checkbox is enabled in Master data and settings > Master data and sections > Items > Accounting dimension.

To create an item kind:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Item related catalogs > Item kinds.
  2. Specify the Item type.
  3. Enter the item kind name in the Description field and all additional info in the Details field.
  4. Fill in the required data.
  5. Click Save and close.

Creating Items

Creating Items Manually

To create an item:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Master data > Items. By default, it is filtered by item kids.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify the Item kind.
  4. Enter the Working title.
  5. Enter the default VAT rate.
  6. Specify the Stock UoM you are going to store/provide the item in.
  7. All other attributes are optional. Fill them if necessary.
  8. Click Save and close.

Importing Items

You can import items into the system using a built-in import tool.

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Initial filling and click Import data from file.
  2. Select Item in the list and click Next.
  3. Click Edit template to set up the template for import.
  4. In the list, you will see attributes to import to the system. Clear checkboxes of the attributes you don't want to import and click OK. Note: attributes in bold are required and cannot be disabled. For each attribute, you can see the description telling you what to specify in the column.
  5. To save the template as a file, click Save template, select the required file type and click Select. You can use this template to prepare the list of items for import.
  6. Prepare the list of items for import according to the template. Each row of the file is one item. Each column is an attribute in the system. Make sure you fill the required columns:
    • Name. Helps user to quickly identify an item in the application. String (up to 100 characters).
    • Stock UOM. Unit of measure of warehouse stock and quantity of items in one packaging unit. Make sure you have the UOM registered in the system before import.
    • Register sale. Contains information on what document to use to issue the service. It is not used for products and works, however, you still have to fill it in for the system to let you import goods. Possible values: Customer invoice, Customer invoice — Services, Deed of transfer.
    • Item kind. Specifies a kind to which the current item belongs. Make sure you have the item kind registered in the system before import.
    • Use variants. Possible values: Common for item kind, Special for products, Common with other item kind. If variants are not used, fill Not used.
    • VAT rate. Goods or service VAT rate. Make sure you have the VAT rate in the system before import.
    • Item type. Contains an item type. This attribute is copied from the item kind. The attribute is not user-editable in the product item. You can find them in the item kinds created in the system.
  7. Save the file and close it.
  8. Click Import spreadsheet and Select from disk, select your file, and click OK.
  9. The system will search for matches. If these items already exist in the system, you can update their details or skip them:
    • To update existing items, select Update next to Mapped items below.
    • To skip existing items, select Skip next to Mapped items below.
  10. To add new items to the system, select Add next to Unmapped items below.
  11. Click Import data to finish import.
  12. If import is successful, you will see the Created status for the imported items. Click Finish.

Note: You can edit items imported to the Items catalog. For that, select the item and click Edit attributes. To access the catalog, go to Master data and settings and click Items under Master data.

Spreadsheet items.png

Import (items).png

Imported (items).png

Creating Item Variants

You can create variants for each item type in the system.

Before you create variants for your items, make sure the Item variants checkbox is enabled in Master data and settings > Master data and sections > Items > Accounting dimension.

Next, enable and set up variants for your item kind:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Item related catalogs > Item kinds.
  2. Open the required item kind.
  3. Click More actions > Allow attribute editing > Allow editing.
  4. Select the Variants checkbox and select one of the options:
    • Common to this kind of items. You create the same set of variants for all the items within this item kind.
    • Common with other kinds of items. You copy the variants created for another item type.
    • Special for items. You create special variants for each item within this item kind.
  5. Click Save.

If the Common to this kind of items option is selected, create variants for the whole item kind:

  1. In the item kind card, click List next to Variants.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Specify the Working title.
  4. Click Save and close.
  5. Create as many variants as needed.

If the Common with other kinds of items option is selected, select the item kind to copy variants from.

If the Special for items option is selected, create variants in the item card:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Master data > Items.
  2. Open the required item.
  3. Click List next to Variants.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Specify the Working title.
  6. Click Save and close.
  7. Create as many variants as needed.

Setting up Item Batches

You can create batches only for the Goods and Package item types.

Before you create a variant for your item, make sure the Goods batches checkbox is enabled in Master data and settings > Master data and sections > Items > Accounting dimension.

Next, enable and set up variants for your item kind:

  1. Go to Master data and settings > Item related catalogs > Item kinds.
  2. Open the required item kind with the Goods or Package item type.
  3. Click More actions > Allow attribute editing > Allow editing.
  4. Select the Batches checkbox and select one of the options:
    • Configured for this item kind. You create the same batch settings for the whole item kind.
    • Used in the same way as in other kinds of items. You copy the batch settings created for another item type.
  5. Click Change.
  6. Select what your batch identifies: Inventory item (1 batch = 1 item) or Goods lot (1 batch = several item).
  7. Select the required batch attributes: Batch number, Expiration date, and Production date.
  8. For Expiration date and Production date, specify the precision: to months, to days, or to hours.
  9. Close the window with batch settings.
  10. Select or create a new Batch accounting policy. For a new policy, enter the Description and select the Policy type:
    • Reference batch specification. You can select operations where you want to use batches. The system will ask you to fill batches in the related documents.
    • FEFO auto calculation of remaining batch. Stock tracking is predefined.
    • FEFO management of remaining batch. Stock tracking is predefined.
    • Remaining batch management. Stock tracking is predefined.
    • Accounting of cost by batch. Stock tracking is predefined.
  11. Click Save and close to save the batch accounting policy.
  12. To tell the system how to handle batches depending on a warehouse, select the There are individual settings of batch accounting policy checkbox and specify different policies for different warehouses. There are cases when a product is accounted in batches but at a certain point we don’t need any information about the batch. For example, if we store the expired goods in a separate warehouse, we can tell the system that at this particular warehouse the product will be handled without any information about its batch.
  13. Click Save and close.